When asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?” many students at Fort Hamilton High School may respond with a shrug or a distressed sigh. Choosing a lifelong career is a choice that requires much thought, precision, and most importantly, advice from experienced individuals. Fort Hamilton High School’s Career Fair, which took place on December 14, 2023, was a beneficial experience for many seniors who may have been unsure about their future.
Approximately one-third of American graduates have no plan for after graduation, which raises questions about whether students are properly equipped with the resources and readiness necessary to make decisions about their futures. While people interested in the medical field can shadow doctors, or aspiring lawyers can participate in the school’s moot court, it is harder for students to get a sense of what it is like to work in the professions in which they are interested, especially as internships grow more competitive.
The Career Fair provided an opportunity for many students who previously did not have access to inside information about their potential career choices. The fair included representatives in careers ranging from psychology and business to hospitality, medicine, and much more. Workers from public service jobs, hospitals, health care centers, and specialized businesses came together to shed light on the nature of their jobs. Students were advised to choose two of their top career interests and attend workshops for them.
Senior Yuxuan Chen attended the Career Fair and enjoyed exploring a wide range of careers. “My favorite part of the Career Fair is that I had time to go to other rooms and learn about other professions instead of only learning about one career,” he said.
For many students who were completely undecided about what careers to pursue, the fair afforded them a better understanding of the path they wanted to take.
“The Career Fair contains a variety of professions in a vast range of fields. It helps people who are not yet sure about their future college major to find something that they are passionate about by showing them different potential careers,” Chen added.
This is the first in Fort Hamilton’s efforts to guide students on their college and career journey. The Career Day Planning Team is currently planning a Career Day for freshmen on March 13th, 2024.